Food waste is a daily challenge in the hospitality industry. Small, strategic steps can make a real lasting impact leading to cost savings. We made a list of 7 steps for hospitality businesses with a need to independently reduce and valorize their food waste streams. Food waste contains renewable energy, which can be harvested with an on-site biodigester, leading to a reduction of waste with financial, brand and environmental benefits.
1. Reduce food waste at the source Begin by addressing food waste at its origin. This involves training staff to reduce waste during food preparation and service. Implementation tips: · Conduct regular training sessions on food handling and preparation techniques. · Monitor food waste to identify patterns and areas for improvement. · Adjust portion sizes and menu options based on customer preferences to reduce leftover food.
2. Take guests on a food waste journey Hotel guests can be motivated and inspired to waste less food without feeling they reduce their dining experience. Hotels need to inform guests and show they care about the local environment and take them on a journey. Implementation tips: · Tell the story of how food waste fertilizer is used as a natural product to grow local healthy and crispy food being served in the salad bar. Bring them to the gardens. · Show signs in the hotel gardens, telling stories about blooming flowers growing on the hotel's own food waste fertilizer transformed on-site. · Show a sign at the pool, saying the pool is heated by the energy derived from the food waste transformed inside the local biodigester, and harvested in the hotel. Making the connection between food waste and clean energy production.
3. Create a local impact With a cluster of hotels, food waste can be transformed and valorized locally together inside a containerized biodigester. Local hotel suppliers, growers and farmers grow their products on the local natural fertilizer derived from the hotels’ food waste, closing the loop of nutrients. Implementation tips: · Bring together a cluster of hotels, and understand each food waste amounts produced and what can be done with it to create environmental and financial benefits. · Use supply chain mapping to identify waste reduction opportunities. · Partner with suppliers who specialize in sustainable food options, and bring the food waste fertilizer back to their growers.
4. Conduct a food waste audit Start by auditing your waste streams. How much waste is collected in the last year by the waste collection company? What waste can be separated and what happens with the waste collected? Is it landfilled, incinerated or recycled? By understanding where the largest sources of food waste are generated, staff can effectively steer and segregate food waste. Implementation tips: · Follow a step-by-step guide for performing a food waste audit. · Engage staff in the process to ensure accurate data collection.
5. Optimize food preparation and yields Focus on improving preparation methods and increasing yield from raw ingredients. Better food preparation techniques can reduce food waste by up to 20% in hospitality settings. Training kitchen staff on efficient prep techniques can significantly reduce waste. Implementation tips: · Refine training materials and conduct retraining sessions.
6. Utilize on-site anaerobic digester Install an on-site anaerobic digester to convert food waste into energy and nutrient-rich fertilizer. This not only reduces landfilling costs but also produces clean energy, natural fertilizer and enables on-site green storytelling and actively inspires guests to reduce food waste. Implementation tips: · Ensure segregation of food waste to avoid contamination and increase energy production.
7. Set up a food waste segregation system Create a system for separating food waste from other types of waste. Proper segregation ensures efficient processing in the on-site biodigester, maximizing the output of energy and fertilizer. Implementation tips: · Train staff on the importance of food waste segregation and provide clear guidelines. · Use clearly labelled bins for different types of waste, with a focus on separating food waste. · Regularly monitor and audit the segregation process to ensure compliance and make adjustments as necessary.
Our Waste Transformers as your on-site food waste solution At The Waste Transformers, we specialize in providing on-site anaerobic digesters tailored for the food-serving industries. Our Waste Transformers are designed to handle your food waste efficiently, converting it into valuable resources like biogas, electricity, heat and natural fertilizer, co-powering your business. By using our Waste Transformers, your operations can significantly reduce their environmental footprint while also benefiting from cost savings on waste disposal and energy generation.
Our on-site Waste Transformers offer several advantages:1. Compact and efficient: Our biodigesters are designed to fit locally into urban settings, making them ideal for hotels, and other hospitality businesses.
2. Energy generation: Convert your food waste into biogas, which can be used to generate electricity and heat, reducing your energy costs.
3. Nutrient-rich fertilizer: The by-product of the digestion process is a nutrient-rich fertilizer that can be used in landscaping or sold to local farmers, providing an additional revenue stream.
4. Sustainability: By reducing the volume of food waste sent to landfills, our biodigesters help lower greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a more sustainable environment.
Reference: National Restaurant Association –
Food waste report Patterns and Causes of Food Waste in the Hospitality and Food Service Sector: Food Waste Prevention Insights from Malaysia (
MDPI) How to manage and minimize food waste in the hotel industry: an exploratory research (
Emerald Insight)
About The Waste Transformers: The Waste Transformers is a Dutch cleantech pioneer, providing on-site innovative technologies to transform unavoidable food waste into sustainable energy and natural fertilizers, enabling local positive change.