This year starts with a number of interesting webinars around the circular economy and particularly organic waste. Lara van Druten, founder and CEO of The Waste Transformers, is invited to speak during the World Future Energy Summit Back to Business Webinar, on the 19th of January 2021. These webinars demonstrate the importance of continuing to align the economic recovery along with addressing climate change challenges. Different webinars will examine the biggest opportunities ahead and bring together key players driving the green recovery agenda. On the 19
th of January 2021, Lara will speak on the ‘green coloured’
Restoring Focus on a Circular Economy. Find the (Green coloured) webinar

The Waste Transformers is a Dutch company with international presence helping businesses to turn their own organic (food) waste streams in valuable outputs, all on-site without the need to transport the organic waste. Inside a Waste Transformer, which is a containerized modular anaerobic digester, non-preventable food waste is digested and turned into biogas. The biogas is converted into electricity and heat (or cold) and feeds back into the same building where the waste is being produced. From the nutrients in the organic waste, an organic liquid fertilizer is being produced, to replace polluting artificial fertilizers. Now each business and community producing organic waste, can create a circular local economy around something that would otherwise end up rotting on landfill. For enquiries or contact: